3DS是一个运用广泛、功能强大的三维造型软件 .可由于不能处理中文 ,给设计制作三维立体汉字带来障碍 .本文较详细地分析介绍了在 3DS中输入汉字的各种方法 ,从而实现在 3DS中立体汉字的建模、渲染制作 .同时本文也概况地介绍了立体制作的整个过程及注意的问题 .
DS is a three dimensional modeling and animated cartoon making software,which is very useful for wide ranging fields and has powerful functions.As 3DS can't accept Chinese characters,it is impossible to apply 3DS to making three dimensional Chinese characters.In this paper how to import Chinese characters in 3DS is discussed.Solving the problem with the above method is a base on which 2D or 3D models will be made in 3DS.The process of making three dimensional characters and the experience are also introduced.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)