In this paper, B3LYP/6-311++G** method was applied to study the geometry of metalaxyl-M. Based on the optimized geometry, Circular Dichroism (CD) spectra was calculated by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) with the same functional and basis sets. The theoretical study demonstrates three results. (1) There is a p-π conjugate system between C(8)=O(9) and N(1), the same conjugate system also exsits between C(3)=O(4) and 0(5). The most stable conformation is obtained when other two substituent groups of N atom anchor each side of the benzene ring. (2) Detailed analyses of vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra reveal that positive Cotton effects could be observed at 1020 cm-1, when the wagging vibrating of C(10)--H in accord with the C(8)--C(10)---O(11) plane; on the contrary, negative Cotton effects could be observed at 1273 cm-1, when in perpendicular direction of the C(8)--C( 10)--O(11 ) plane. The wagging vibrating of C(2)--H could produce a srtong Cotton effects at 1334 cm"1. The Cotton effect caused by the stretching vibration of C(3)=O(4) could be observed at 1788 cmt; and no Cotton effects cuased by the stretching vibration of C(8)=O(9) in VCD, because there is a barrier between C(8)=O(9) bond and C(2) atom setting up by N atom. (3) In methanol, Electronic Circular Dichroism (ECD) of metalaxyl-M has positive Cotton effects at 228 nm, which is good agree with experimental data. However, negative Cotton effects could be observed at 201 nm.
Computers and Applied Chemistry
metalaxyl-M, electronic structure, circular dichroism spectra, theoretical study