
创新敷料治疗糖尿病足溃疡的临床研究 被引量:5

Clinical Study of Innovative Dressings for Diabetic Foot Ulcers
摘要 目的:探讨治疗糖尿病足溃疡的最佳处理方法。方法:选择糖尿病足溃疡患者86例,按住院号的单双号将患者分为试验组与对照组,各43例。试验组根据创面不同时期,以创新敷料(水凝胶、藻酸盐、银离子、泡沫棉等敷料)处理溃疡,对照组以传统的外科方法处理溃疡,比较2组的总有效率、换药次数、愈合时间、疼痛程度。结果:试验组总有效率为97.7%,溃疡愈合时间(19.3±12.7)d,换药次数(6.4±4.5)次,数字疼痛量表(NRS-10)评分(2±1)分;对照组总有效率为81.4%,溃疡愈合时间(30.6±25.6)d,换药次数(27.2±13.6)次,NRS-10评分(7±2)分,2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:创新敷料治疗糖尿病足溃疡,不仅疗效较好,而且可缩短溃疡愈合时间、减少换药次数、减轻疼痛程度,值得临床推广应用。 OBJECTIVE:To investigate the best approach of treatment for diabetic foot ulcers.METHODS:86 patients with diabetic foot ulcers were selected.The patients were divided into experimental group and control group with 43 cases in each group according to odd and even numbers of the hospital number.Innovative dressings,such as hydrogel,alginate,silver ion,foam cotton,were used in experimental group on the basis of different periods of wounds,while traditional surgical methods were adopted in control group.Total effective rate,times of changing fresh dressing,healing time,level of pain were compared between 2 groups.RESULTS:The total effective rate was 97.7%,healing time of ulcers was (19.3±12.7) d,times of changing fresh dressing were (6.4±4.5) times,NRS-10 score was (2±1) in experimental group.The total effective rate was 81.4%,healing time of ulcers was (30.6±25.6) d,times of changing fresh dressing were (27.2±13.6) times,NRS-10 score was (7±2) in control group.The differences of 2 groups are statistical significance (P〈0.05).CONCLUSION:Innovative dressing not only has good efficacy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer,but also could shorten healing time,reduce times of changing fresh dressing and relieve the degree of pain.It is worthy of clinical application.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2012年第22期2063-2064,共2页 China Pharmacy
基金 重庆医科大学附属第一医院院内课题(HJJ2011-01)
关键词 创新敷料 糖尿病足溃疡 创面处理 Innovative dressing Diabetic foot ulcer Wound treatment
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