
基于HLA和移动代理的负载平衡控制技术探讨 被引量:2

Load Balancing Control Technology Based on Mobile Agent and HLA
摘要 随着仿真技术的发展、仿真系统规模的不断扩大,基于HLA的仿真系统的负载平衡面临严峻的考验,如何保证仿真试验高效平稳的运行成为当前急需解决的一个问题。移动代理(Agent)已经被证明在平衡负载方面卓有成效。文中将移动Agent引入基于HLA的仿真系统中,主要从动态迁移方面,探讨较合理的仿真控制技术,控制负载平衡的实现过程,最终达到保证仿真运行速率的目的。根据每个仿真试验的不同情况,设置合理的迁移策略,才能提高负载平衡的效果。 With the development of simulation technology, simulation systems have been expanding, load balancing of HLA-based simulation system is facing a severe test,it has become a urgent solution problem that how to ensure smooth and efficient operation of simulation. Mobile Agent ( Agent) has been shown effective in load balancing. In this paper,combine mobile Agent with HLA based simulation system ,mainly from dynamic aspects of migration,investigate a reasonable simulation control technology to control the load balancing, and ultimately ensure that the simulation running rate is under control. According to the different circumstances of each simulation, set rea- sonable migration rules in order to improve load balancing effect.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2012年第6期163-166,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 武器装备预研基金(编号略)
关键词 高层体系结构 负载平衡 移动代理 仿真控制技术 运行速率 high level architecture: load balancing mobile Agent simulation control technology running rote
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