聊城市湿地脊椎动物 10 5种 ,其中鱼类 7目 14科 44属 5 6种 ,优势种有草鱼、红鳍鱼白、麦穗鱼、鲤、鲫、泥鳅、青鱼将、乌鳢等 ;两栖类 1目 2科 3属 5种 ,大蟾蜍、黑斑蛙为优势种 ;爬行类 2目 2科 2属 2种 ,即中华鳖和虎斑颈槽蛇 ,后者分布密度较大 ;鸟类 9目 14科 2 6属 43种 ,其中小辟鸟厂虎鸟、紫背苇开鸟、绿头鸭、斑嘴鸭、普通秋沙鸭、金眶行鸟、四声杜鹃、白脊鸟令鸟、大苇莺为优势种 .该湿地动物群落结构有衰退趋向 ,主要原因是栖息地面积减少 ,结构简单化和污染 .
There are 105 species of wetland vertebrates in Liaocheng City:56 species of fishes,which belong respectively to 44 families,7 orders,Ctenopharyngodon idellus,Hemiculter leucisculus,Culter erythropterus,pseudorasbora parva,Cyprinus carpio,carassius auratus,Misgurnus anguillicaudstus,Oryzias latipes and Channa argus are superior sprcies;5 species of amphibians,which belong respectively to 3 genus,2 families,1 order,Bufo gargarizans and Rana nigrmanculata are superior species;2 species of reptiles,which belong respectively to 2 genus,2 families,2 orders,i.e.Trionyx sinensis and Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis,the latter is superior species;43 species of birds,which belong respectively to 26 genus,14 families,9 order,Tachyraptus ruficollis,Ixocrychus euhythmus,Aas platyrhynchos,A.poecilorhyncha,Mergurs merganser,charadrius dubius,Cuculus micropterus,Motacilla alba and Acuocephalus arundinaceus are superior species.Animal community structure in the wetland tend to simplification,and the primary factors effecting them are decrease of habitat area,oversimplify of habitats and water contamination.
Journal of Liaocheng Teachers University(Natural Science Edition)