电动助力转向系统(EPS,Electric Power Steering)是保障车辆安全性和可靠性的最重要的关键系统之一,而EPS控制系统设计的优劣与EPS的性能指标直接相关,因而EPS控制系统的设计是车辆设计中的重要一环。本文采用高性能的ARM微处理器LPC2131来设计EPS控制系统的内核,引入模糊PID控制策略以及补偿控制算法和分层结构模块化硬件电路设计思想进行构建,并利用容错和冗余技术等措施对该系统进行优化,最终提出该系统的总体设计方案和具体的设计内容,并进行相关的试验验证系统的有效性。
The electric power steering system(EPS) is one of the most important systems to ensure vehicle’s safety and reliability,moreover,the level of design for EPS control system is directly related to the performance of EPS,and therefore the design of EPS control system is an important part in vehicle’s design.In this paper,high-performance ARM microprocessor-LPC2131 is used to design the core of the EPS control system,adopts the fuzzy PID control strategy,compensation control algorithm and hierarchical modular hardware circuit design thought to build the system,and uses the measure of fault tolerance and redundancy and other measures to optimize the system,and ultimately mades the overall and specific design for the system,and tests the validity of the EPS control system through relative experiment.
Techniques of Automation and Applications