
欧洲和北美学分积累与转换系统的比较研究--以欧洲ECTS与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省BCTS为例 被引量:16

Comparative Study on Credit Accumulation and Transfer System in Europe and North America:Case Study of European Credit Transfer System and Canadian British Colombia Credit Transfer System
摘要 学分积累和转换是实现学生自由流动、促进社会成员终身学习的重要途径。目前,世界范围内很多国家和地区都已经建立了较为成熟的学分积累和转换系统,这其中以欧洲和北美地区最为出色。研究者采用比较研究的方法,对欧洲和北美地区比较有代表性的学分积累和转换系统——欧洲的ECTS和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的BCTS,进行了对比分析,希望通过对比二者的异同,为我国正在开展的学分银行建设提供借鉴。比较分析发现,欧洲和北美的学分积累和转换系统建立的目的都是为了实现学习成果互认、促进高等教育资源共享,促进终身学习,但在学分积累和转换的具体策略、应用范围、应用效果等方面存在差异。欧洲通过制定一般性的准则、采用一些有利于学习结果透明化的工具,来为学分的积累和转换提供支持;而北美采用了社区学院和大学之间签订课程认证协议的方式,这种方式更为明确具体。欧洲的学分积累和转换系统在应用范围上更为广泛,但北美的学分转换系统在应用效果上优于对方。 Credit accumulation and transfer is one of the most important methods facilitating students to flow freely and social members' lifelong learning.Currently,most countries have established relatively mature credit accumulation and transfer system,and among of them,Europe and North America are almost the most outstanding.By comparative study typical credit accumulation and transfer systems of Europe and North America——European Credit Transfer System and Canadian British Colombia Credit Transfer System,this paper explores their common points and differences,so as to providing inspiration for the constructing of Credit Bank in our country.Comparative analysis found that,credit accumulation and transfer systems in Europe and North America show similarity in promoting comparability and compatibility in higher education;but at the same time,there exit some differences in implement strategies,application scope and effect of credit accumulation and transfer.By formulating general standard and applying tools that are beneficial for learning outcomes' transparency,ECTS provide effective supports for credit accumulation and transfer;while BCTS actualize credit transfer based on articulation arrangements between community colleges and universities,which is more specific and concrete.ECTS has a broader application scope while BCTS has a better effect.
作者 孔磊 殷双绪
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2012年第3期44-51,共8页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 中央广播电视大学2011年重点课题“大学国际化背景下学分互认的比较研究”(课题编号:G11AQ0012Z)阶段研究成果之一
关键词 学分积累 学分转换 ECTS BCTS 比较研究 Credit accumulation Credit transfer ECTS BC Transfer system Comparative study
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