
时间个性异质性对团队绩效的影响机制 被引量:1

Impact Mechanism of Temporal Diversity on Team Performance
摘要 以创业大赛团队为样本,探讨了如何通过管理团队中成员的时间个性异质性以最大化团队绩效。对36个团队进行的实证分析结果显示:团队成员的时间个性异质性与团队整体绩效显著正相关;作为团队过程变量的任务冲突与团队绩效正相关,且起到中介作用。 Taking some entrepreneurial teams as the research example, this paper studies how to improve team performance through managing temporal diversity of team member. The result through the empirical analysis on 36 entrepreneurial teams shows as follows: temporal diversity of team member is positively related to team performance; task conflict as the process variable of group research,is also positively related to team performance,and has mediation impacts on the relationship between temporal diversity of team member and team performance.
出处 《技术经济》 CSSCI 2012年第5期12-17,38,共7页 Journal of Technology Economics
基金 浙江省软科学研究计划项目"企业创新型团队的行为特征与管理模式:对浙江省高科技企业的实证分析"(2010C25046)
关键词 时间个性 任务冲突 成员异质性 团队绩效 时间管理 time personality task conflict team diversity team performance
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