
中美水质评价方法比较 被引量:1

Compare of Water Quality Assessment between Chinese and Ameirican
摘要 国内外的研究都表明,从保护人类、野生动植物和自然生态环境健康角度出发,按照水体自然属性并结合人类对水体的使用和保护要求对水体进行功能划分,制定合理与水体使用功能相适应的水环境质量标准,并采取控制措施使水体水质达到该标准,是既合理、经济,又能有效保护水环境的方法。其关键是如何按照水质标准对水环境质量进行客观准确评价,这既是保护水环境的基础性工作,直接关系到水环境保护和排污控制措施的有效性,也是我国目前急需解决的重要课题。本文首先对美国水环境质量评价方法体系作了概要介绍,然后对我国水环境质量评价现状进行分析,通过对比美国和我国的水环境质量评价方法,对我国水环境质量评价提出了建议和研究方向。 Many researches indicate that dividing different uses to different water bodies according to water body natu-ral characteristics and combining human being's use and protection requirements, and then, setting up logical water environmental quality standard fitting to the water use and adopting control measures to make the water quality arriving at these standard are rational, economic, and effective ways to protect water environment. How to objectively and ac-curately assess the water environment quality according to the requires of water quality standard is the basic work of water environment protection, and is very important to effectively protecting water and controlling pollution measures, also is the key issue to be solved at present for our country. The paper summarily introduces quality assessment system of the American water environment, then, analyzes the situation of Chinese water environment quality evaluation. Fi-nally, the study direction and suggestion about water environment quality assessment of Chinese are put forward by comparing the appraise methods of two countries.
作者 程艳
出处 《新疆环境保护》 2011年第4期7-13,共7页 Environmental Protection of Xinjiang
关键词 水环境质量评价 水体功能 评价方法 水质标准 数据质量控制(QA/AC) water environment quality assessment water ues assessment method water quality standard QA/AC
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