
贸易网络综合演化模型的研究 被引量:6

The Research on the Comprehensive Model of the Evolving Trade Network
摘要 根据实地调查结果启示,在综合节点适应度择优连接、节点删除、边的重建与删除的基础上建立了有向加权网络演化综合模型,并对其进行了解析推导,主要以入强度分布指数为研究对象,在节点适应度同质、服从[0,1]分布及服从指数分布时分别进行模型验证。最后分析多种演化机制对于幂律指数的影响,并通过数值仿真分析进行验证。 Based on the results of field investigation, this paper established a comprehensive di- rected weighted evolving network model that integrated fitness-based preferential attachment, node deletion, link establishment and link deletion, and performed analytical deductions. Then the in-strength distribution index is taken as the main object of study, this paper validated the model respectively when the node fitness is homogenesis, when the node fitness is chosen from the [0, 1] uniform distribution, and chosen from the exponential distribution. Finally, this paper analyzed the influence of different mechanism of evolution to the po-wer law index, and validated the model with numerical simulations.
出处 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期52-61,共10页 Complex Systems and Complexity Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(10BGL032) 2009年中国工程院信息学部咨询项目
关键词 有向加权网络 择优连接 节点概率删除 网络演化机制 directed weighted network preferential attachment node probability deletion evol- ving network mechanism
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