目的考察宁夏栽培银柴胡的质量。方法采用双波长薄层扫描法进行α-菠甾醇和豆甾-7-烯醇的测定,紫外分光光度法在546 nm的波长处进行总甾醇测定。结果 3年生银柴胡含α-菠甾醇和豆甾-7-烯醇及总甾醇最高。结论宁夏规范化种植3年的银柴胡质量较好,所测成分与野生品基本一致。
Objective To evaluate the quality of cultivated Radix Stellariae Lanceolatae in Ningxia.Methods α-spinasterol and stigmast-7-enol were assayed by using a method of double wave length thin slice scan;and the ultraviolet spectrophotometry in 564nm was used for Assay assemble sterol.Results The contents of α-spinasterol and stigmast-7-enol in Radix Stellariae Lanceolatae of three years old were higher than the ones of four years old.Conclusion The quality of the Radix Stellariae Lanceolatae of normalized cultivation is better and the quality is similar to wild one.
Ningxia Medical Journal