
微孔的存在对微发泡聚烯烃材料力学性能的影响 被引量:2

Effect of microcell on mechanical properties for foam polypropylene
摘要 选用典型聚合物材料PP(T30S)、PP(K9026)、HDPE为研究对象,在二次开模条件下制备微发泡聚烯烃材料;通过建立理论经验公式,分析了微孔存在时,材料本征特性对微发泡聚烯烃材料力学性能的影响规律。结果表明:微孔引入材料中后比刚度增加,拉伸强度出现不同程度的降低;本征拉伸强度越高的材料,引入微孔后比刚度值增加越大,而拉伸强度下降比例越大;本征拉伸强度越低的材料,引入微孔以后比刚度值增加越小,拉伸强度下降比例越小;经验公式的预测结果能很好的反映微发泡聚合物材料力学性能的变化规律。 By taking a typical polymer materials PP(T30S) ,PP( K9026 ) ,HDPE as the research object , the microcellular foam Polyolefin was made under the condition of twice-open mold. Physical and mathematical models were established, effect law of Microcell on mechanical properties in Foam Poly- olefin materials was analyzed. The results showed that tensile strength of microcellular foam Polyolefin showed the different proportion reduce, and specific stiffness get produce . The bigger intrinsic tensile strength, the larger the rate of decreased of tensile strength in microcellular foam Polyolefin, the smal- ler intrinsic tensile strength, the smaller the rate of decreased of tensile strength in microcellular foam Polyolefin. The prediction results of empirical formula can good reflect change law of tensile strength in microcellular foam Polyolefin.
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期84-88,共5页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 贵州省工业攻关项目黔科合GY字(2011)3011
关键词 聚烯烃 拉伸强度 微发泡 本征特性 Polyolefin tensile strength microcellular foam original characteristic
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