

On Public Credibility of the Judiciary
摘要 司法公信力建设应当以审判业务建设为根本,其他方面的建设应当以此为中心。就外部而言,可以提高立法技术,及时清理法律规范,减少法律规范的冲突,引入协同主义模式中的积极因素,确立法官的法律观点指出义务;就内部而言,可以加强判决书说理,提高裁判文书质量,切实以理服人,公开裁判文书以方便社会监督。实现良法之治,提高裁判的可接受性和公信力,司法公信力方可日渐增益。 The construction of public credibility of the judiciary should be based on the construction of profes- sionalism around which other constructions are carried out. From the external part, we can improve the legislative technique; clear the legal norms, reduce the conflict of legal norms, introduce positive factors of the principle of cooperation, and establish the judge' s duty to providing legal opinions. From the internal part, we can strengthen the reasoning in the judicial documents, elevate the quality of the judicial documents, convince people by reason- ing, and facilitate the public to supervise. The public credibility of the judiciary may increase steadily with the en- forcement of rule of law, the enhancement of the acceptability of judgment.
作者 王登辉 罗倩
出处 《河南警察学院学报》 2012年第3期87-91,共5页 Journal of Henan Police College
关键词 司法公信力 裁判公信力 法律规范 协同主义 裁判文书 Public credibility of the judiciary Public credibility of the judgment Legal norms Principle ofcooperation Judicial documents
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