
非洲高等教育国际化的特点分析 被引量:11

An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Internationalization of African Higher Education
摘要 非洲高等教育被认为是全球最国际化同时又是最边缘化的系统。非洲高教国际化有着深远的殖民主义影响,体现出组织上的区域化和全球化、性质上的高度依附、与本土化关系尖锐冲突等特点。这种国际化主要不是非洲自身主动追求的结果,而是殖民时期被占领和被控制、冷战时期被利用以及长期对外财政依赖和知识依赖的结果。为了克服这种被动性,非盟等地区组织较好地发挥了非洲高教国际化的组织和领导作用,并推行了促进能力建设的非洲高教国际化政策。不过,非洲高等教育为本土服务的意识和能力比较薄弱,这已成为非洲高等教育国际化的深刻教训。 African higher education systems are considere d as the most internationalized but the most marginalized ones in the world. The internationalization of African higher education suffers a far-reaching impact from colonialism, shows such characteristics as organizational regionalization and globalization, qualitative de- pendence and sharp conflict in relationship with indigenization. Such internationalization is mainly not the result of active pursuit of Africa itself, but the result of being occupied and controlled in colonized time, being imposed on in the cold-war time, and financial and intellective dependence on the outside for a long time. To overcome this passivism, some regional organizations, such as African Union, play a good role in organizing and directing the in- ternationalization of African higher education,and implement somepolicies of internationalization aiming to ac- celerate ability-building. But the weak consciousness and ability to serve local society is one of the deep lessons for African colleges and universities.
作者 万秀兰
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期19-23,37,共6页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 非洲高等教育 国际化 特点 African higher education internationalization characteristics
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