本文对辽宁胃癌高发区庄河地区居民长年食用的自腌咸猪肉及时有摄取的两种小咸杂鱼做了致变性检测,结果显示,对沙门氏菌属TA98、TA100及大肠菌E.coliWP2uvrA/pKM 101有致突变作用。长年摄取自腌咸猪肉居民胃粘膜呈现明显损伤性病理改变。
The mutagenicity of extracts of salty pork and fish from high incidence ofgastric cancer were studied by means of Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100and E .coli WP 2uvrA/pKM 101 revertant test and its relation to the pathologicalchange of gastric mucosain residents lived in Zhuanghe and consumed those foodsfor more than 10 years. The result showed that the extract of salty pork andfish highly produced in strain TA98, TA100 and E.coli WP 2 uvrA/pKM 101 inpresence or absence of activation system and it also showed that there are remark-able lesions of gastric muccsa in these residents including erosion, hyperplasia,dysplasia and the changes were turning severe with increase salty pork consumedyearly.
Journal of China Medical University