
从“中国原材料出口限制案”看我国应当如何援用GATT1994第20条(g)款 被引量:6

How to be Justified Under Article XX(g)of GATT1994:A Comparative Study of GATT and WTO Cases
摘要 在"原材料出口限制案"中,中国援用GATT1994第20条(g)款抗辩失败。原因有二:一是未能证明贸易限制措施与保护可用尽的自然资源有关;二是未能证明贸易限制措施与限制国内生产或消费一同实施。本文以该案为背景,通过对GATT时期和WTO时期涉及第20条(g)款案件的比较研究,系统梳理了第20条(g)款各项要件的发展脉络,并且透过专家组和上诉机构的审查过程,对每一项要件的举证论证策略加以总结,最终构建出GATT1994第20条(g)款援用方案。 In China--Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Ma- terials, China' s export restrictions failed to be justified under Article XX (g) of GATT 1994. The failure was caused by two reasons. The first one is that Chi- na failed to prove its export restrictions relate to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources, and the second one is that China failed to prove its export restrictions was effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption. Considering this background, the paper compares GATT and WTO cases applying Article XX (g) , through which it analyzes the development and justification method of every legal element in this article in order to formulate a workable framework of the application of Article XX (g) .
作者 朱颖
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期167-176,共10页 Journal of International Trade
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(11YJA820054)"投资非洲争议解决问题研究"阶段性成果
关键词 GATT1 994 第20条(g)款 自然资源 中国原材料出口限制案 GATT1994 Article XX (g) exhaustible natural resources relat- ing to the conservation made effective in conjunction with
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  • 1Report of the Panel, United States-Prohibition of Tuna and Tuna Products from Canada, 29S/91/R (February 22, 1982).
  • 2Report of the Panel, Canada-Measures Affecting Exports of Unprocessed Herring and Salmon, 35S/98/R (March 22, 1988).
  • 3Report of the Panel, United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, 39S/155/R (September 3, 1991).
  • 4Report of the Panel, United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, DS29/R (June 16, 1994).
  • 5Report of the Panel, United States-Taxes on Automobiles, DS31/R (October 11, 1994).
  • 6Appellate Body Report, United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/ R (April 29, 1996).
  • 7Appellate Body Report, United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WT/ DS58/AB/R (October 12, 1998).
  • 8Report of the Panel, China-Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/R, WT/DS395/R, WT/DS398/R (July 5, 2011).
  • 9Appellate Body Report, China-Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/ AB/R, WT/DS395/AB/R, WT/DS398/AB/R (January 30, 2012).











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