
基于功率流理论的大型水电站厂房结构脉动压力频响分析 被引量:10

Analysis on frequency response to pulsating pressure in large hydropower house based on the theory of power flow
摘要 以某大型水电站厂房为研究对象,采用模型水轮机流道实测脉动压力数据,对厂房整体结构进行有限元仿真频响分析,基于功率流理论、功率流有限元方法及APDL语言编程,实现厂房风罩、楼板、立柱及廊道结构功率流的计算。结果表明:蜗壳脉动能量的传导以剪切波效应为主,以竖向和顺河向的动力响应为表现方式;机墩及风罩结构是功率流传导的主要路径,其结构形式简单,耗能效果不显著;厚墙、厚板结构能较好吸收传导的能量,限制厂房上部结构动力响应幅值。本文研究成果可为厂房低频脉动压力传导测试及分析提供理论依据及参考。 A FEM model has been established for a large hydropower house to calculate the frequency ac- cording to the test data of hydraulic turbine rnodel. Based on the theory of power flow, and the method of power flow FEM as well as the APDL language, the power flow in wind cover, floor, pillars and gallery was calculated. The results show that the shear wave dominates during the process of spiral pulse energy conduction with the response along vertical direction and river flow direction. Turbine pier and wind cover are the main path for conduction due to the simpie structure form which is ineffectively to dissipate energy. Thick plates and walls can dissipate energy which comes from vibration source and restrict the vibration am- plitude in superstructure of the hydropower house.
出处 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期615-622,共8页 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51079020)
关键词 水工结构 功率流 脉动压力 谐响应分析 传导率 传导路径 hydraulic structure power flow pulsating pressure harmonic response analysis conductivity conduction pathway
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