
青少年水果蔬菜摄入行为的家庭环境因素分析 被引量:4

Family environment factors of fruit and vegetable eating behavior among Chinese children and adolescents
摘要 目的了解青少年水果/蔬菜摄入行为的家庭环境影响因素,为进行有效的营养环境干预提供依据。方法采用方便随机整群抽样方法,选取北京、辽宁、贵州城乡小学四年级至高中三年级的3 165名学生作为研究对象,进行问卷调查。结果中小学生水果摄入达标率为24.2%,蔬菜摄入达标率为44.1%。水果摄入不足的家庭环境危险因素包括缺乏父母的帮助(OR=1.230)、家庭允许规矩差(OR=1.161)、家庭可及性差(OR=1.506);蔬菜摄入不足的家庭环境危险因素包括蔬菜的家庭可及性差(OR=1.181)、母亲受教育水平低(OR=1.117)。结论家庭环境是中小学生水果/蔬菜摄入的重要影响因素。对青少年水果/蔬菜摄入行为进行干预,应注意改善家庭营养环境。 Objective To analyze the potential family nutritional environment correlates of fruit and vegetable eating behavior in Chinese children and adolescents. Methods By using a randomized clustered sampling method, 3 165 students in grade 4 to 12 were selected from urban and rural areas of Beijing, Liaoning and Guizhou provinces. A structured self-filling questionnaire was used for collecting data. Results Only 24.2% of students met the recommendation (2 times or more per day) in fruit intake, and 44.1% for vegetable intake (2 times or more per day ). Lack of help from parents ( OR = 1. 230 ) , lack of family allowing rule (OR = 1. 161 ) , and fruit unavailability at home ( OR = 1. 506 ) were found to be the independent nutritional environmental correlates of fruit eating. Unavailability of home vegetables (OR = 1. 181) and a lower education level of mother( OR= 1. 117 ) were found to be the independent correlates for vegetable eating behavior. Conclusion Family nutritional environment is a very important factor for child fruit/vegetable eating behavior in China, intervention contents should include nutritional environment changing.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期579-581,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 2008年北京市教育科学"十一五"规划重点课题成果(AGA08054)
关键词 饮食习惯 水果 蔬菜 家庭特征 回归分析 学生 Food habits Fruit Vegetables Family characteristics Regression analysis Students
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