
基于内全反射微环空气孔型光子晶体光分插滤波器 被引量:3

Air-Hole Type Photonic Crystal Add-Drop Filters Based on Total-Internal-Reflection Ring Resonators
摘要 提出一种基于内全反射微环和光子晶体带隙相结合的混合结构空气孔型二维三角晶格光子晶体光分插滤波器,通过压缩及移位围绕线缺陷波导的上下两排光子晶体阵列,实现空气孔型线缺陷波导单模的有效调控,进而影响信道的下路效率,并且利用二维时域有限差分法系统分析不同波导宽度以及不同移位量δ时滤波器的下路效率。模拟计算表明,当波导宽度为0.8槡3晶格常数,耦合强度为0个晶格常数,移位量为0.5个晶格常数,信道波长为1464nm时,下路效率为-0.11dB,品质因子Q为1100;当波导宽度为0.8槡3晶格常数,耦合强度为1个晶格常数,移位量为0个晶格常数时,下路效率为-0.89dB,品质因子Q为2100。 A hexagonal-lattice air-hole pbotonic crystal add-drop filter (OADF) is proposed combing the hybrid effect of total-internal-reflection (TIR) ring resonators and photonic crystal band gap. The mode profile of line defect waveguide can be effectively operated in single mode by either compressing or dislocating the two rows of photonic crystal above and below the line defect waveguide, which further affects the dropped efficiency. Dropped efficiencies of proposed filter with different widths of Bus-waveguide and disiocations 3 are then numerically analyzed by using two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical technique. The results show that --0. 11 dB dropped efficiency and 1100 quality factor Q can be obtained with 1464 nm signal channel when the width of Bus- waveguide, coupling strength and dislocation are 0.8 periodicity, 0 periodicity and 0.5 periodicity. On the other hand, dropped efficiency of 0.89 dB and quality factor of 2100 can be also provided when the width of Bus-waveguide, coupling strength and displacement are 0.8 ~/3 periodicity, 1 periodicity and 0 periodicity.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期141-145,共5页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 福建省教育厅基金(JB10025)资助课题
关键词 非线性光学 光子晶体微环 内全反射 空气孔 分插滤波器 nonlinear optics photonics crystal ring resonators total internal reflection air-hole add-drop filter
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