
2011年贵州省碘缺乏病病情监测报告 被引量:5

2011 geoiogical condition monitoring report in Guizhouprovince
摘要 目的:了解和掌握贵州省碘缺乏病病情、提供碘盐浓度调整前我省居民碘营养的本底情况,及时发现存在的问题,完善可持续防治策略。方法:按"人口比例概率抽样方法"(PPS)抽样,在全省抽取30个县开展监测工作。8~10岁学生监测甲状腺、尿碘、盐碘及人均日摄盐量;孕妇和哺乳妇女监测尿碘。甲状腺采用B超法,尿碘采用砷铈催化分光光度方法(WS/T 107-2006)测定,盐碘采用氧化还原滴定法(B/T 13025.7—1999),食盐摄入量采用3日称量法进行测算。结果:8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率0.73%;8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为308.9μg/L,处于碘过量为51.9%,尿碘水平高于适宜量;孕妇中位数为216.5μg/L,哺乳妇女中位数为225.0μg/L,均达到推荐适宜量;居民家中食盐中位数为32.2 mg/kg,居民合格碘盐食用率96.63%;人均日摄盐量为8.8 g/(人.天)。结论:8~10岁儿童处于碘过量为51.9%,鉴于我省的实际情况,碘的摄入来源主要还是碘盐,碘盐浓度不宜作较大幅度的调整,以微调较为稳妥。同时考虑满足孕妇、哺乳妇女的碘营养水平,我省碘盐浓度拟定为30 mg/kg(21~39 mg/kg)。 By mastering condition of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) and iodine nutrition of people in Guizhou province before salt concentration adjustment, existing problems were timely found and sustainable control strategies were brought up pointedly. Method: sampling according to "population probability sampling " method (PPS), collecting 30 counties in the province to carry out monitoring. For students aged eight to ten years old, urinary iodine, salt iodine and salt intake per day were detected while the thyroid content measured with B ultrasound; for pregnant and lactating women, urinary iodine and water iodine were tested, iodine in the thyroid using B ultrasound, urinary iodine As3+ - Ce4+ catalytic spectrophotometry (WS / T 107 - 2006 ) ;salt iodine oxidation reduction titrations (B / T 13025.7 - 1999), water iodine cerous sulfate catalytic spectrophotometer method (GB / T 57505 - 2006), salt intake 3 weighing method. Results: Goitrous rate and median urinary iodine in children aged eight to ten years old were 0.73% and 308.9μg / L, respectively; iodine excess was 51.9%, urinary iodine level was higher than appropriate amount; median value for pregnant and locating women were 216.5 μg / L and 225.0μg / L, which has achieved the recommended amount. For local residents: median value for salt iodine was 32.2 mg/kg; consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 96.63 % ; middle value for water iodine content was 2.8 μg/ L; salt intake was 8.8 g for one person one day. Conclusion : iodine excess in children aged eight to ten years old was 51.9 %, in view of the actual situation in our province, the main source of iodine intake was from iodized salt, for which concentration adjustments should be slightly fine- tuned rather than substantial adjustment. Taking iodine nutrition in pregnant and lactating women in to consideration, the salt concentration was set as 30 mg/ kg (21--39 mg/kg).
出处 《微量元素与健康研究》 CAS 2012年第3期38-41,共4页 Studies of Trace Elements and Health
基金 贵州省2009年度科学技术基金项目(gzwkj2009-1-078)
关键词 缺乏症 监测 报告 Deficiency diseases Survey Report
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