
油茶联合固氮菌的适宜培养条件及回接效应 被引量:1

The optimal culture conditions and effect of inoculation on three high efficiency nitrogen fixation strains of camellia rhizosphere
摘要 通过对从不同林分的油茶根系分离的3种高效固氮菌(N7-3、B7-7、N5-18)的适宜生长环境以及回接效应的研究,结果表明:菌株N5-18适宜生长条件为温度20℃,pH为6,适宜碳源为蔗糖,耐高渗透压;菌株B7-7适宜生长条件为温度20℃,pH为5,适宜碳源是柠檬酸,渗透压对菌株生长无影响;菌株N7-3适宜生长条件为温度30℃,pH为6,适宜碳源是柠檬酸,高渗透压抑制生长。接种结果表明接种3种固氮菌能明显促进油茶生长,菌株N7-3对油茶的苗高、地茎、生物量、叶绿素含量的增益效果最好,B7-7对硝酸还原酶活性增幅最大,N5-18对叶片全氮和粗蛋白含量增幅最大。 The optimal culture conditions and effect of inoculation on three high nitrogen efficiency strains, which were separated from rhizosphere of different camellia forests, were investigated. The results showed that the optimal temperature and pH of cultivation for strain N5-18 was 20℃ and 6 respectively, the optimum carbon source was sucrose, it could resist high osmotic pressure; the optimum temperature and pH of cultivation for strain B7-7 was 20℃ and 5 respectively, the best carbon source was citric acid, the cell osmotic pressure did not affect growth; the optimum temperature and pH of cultivation for strain N7-3 was 30℃ and 6 respectively, the best carbon source was citric acid, the high cell osmotic pressure inhibited growth. The results of inoculation experiment showed that : the inoculated high nitrogen efficiency strains could obviously promote growth of camellia. Plant height, stem, biomass, chlorophyll content of camellia inoculated with N7 -3 were higher than that of N5-18 and B7-7, nitrate reduetases activity of camellia inoculated with B7-7 increased the most, total nitrogen and crude protein contents in leaves of camellia inoculated with N5-18 increased the most.
出处 《林业科技开发》 北大核心 2012年第3期57-61,共5页 China Forestry Science and Technology
基金 "十一五"科技支撑项目"华中丘陵区油茶高产良种应用集成示范"(编号:2009BADB1B04)
关键词 油茶 联合固氮 培养条件 接种效应 Camellia oleifera associative nitrogen inoculation effects cultivation condition
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