目的了解输卵管异位妊娠(ectopic pregnancy,EP)患者焦虑与情感需求情况。方法选择输卵管EP早期行药物保守治疗未生育、具有强烈生育需求的患者30例(设为未生育组),已生育、无生育需求的患者30例(设为已生育组),采用Zung氏焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)和认知情感需求调查问卷进行调查,并与SAS常模作比较。了解EP患者焦虑与认知情感需求状况。结果 60例EP保守治疗患者SAS总得分为(44.88±7.87)分,明显高于常模(29.78±0.46)分,组间比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);未生育组患者SAS总得分(49.60±7.06)分高于已生育组患者总得分(40.17±5.49)分,组间比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。认知情感需求方面:未生育组患者主要表现为担心治疗失败,影响生育,需要了解治疗相关知识及情感支持;已生育组患者主要表现为担心再次EP,需要了解治疗及康复方面知识。结论 EP患者总体心理健康状况较差,无论是生育组还是未生育组EP患者,其焦虑水平均明显增高,其中未生育组EP患者心理健康状况较已生育组患者差,情感需求比已生育组患者更强烈。医护人员应充分重视EP患者的认知情感动机,为患者提供针对性的、个性化的心理干预及情感支持,以便减轻患者负性情绪。
Objective To investigate the anxiety and the emotional needs of ectopic pregnancy (EP) patients. Methods 30 EP patients were assigned as the never-procreating group, who never had procreation but had strong desire for procreation and were undergoing early conservative pharmaeotherapy, and another 30 EP patients as ever-procreating group, who had ever procreation but no strong demands for procreation. Zung's Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and cognitive emotional needs questionnaire were used for the investigation in the two groups, the results were compared with the SAS norms. Results The total score (44.88 ± 7.87) of the 60 EP patients was significantly higher than the norm (29.78 ± 0.46). The total score (49.60 ± 7.06) of the never-procreating group was significantly higher than the ever-procreating group (40.17 ± 5.49) (P 〈 0.01). In view of cognitive emotional needs, the never-procreating group presented with worry about failure in treatment and procreation and they demanded treatment-related knowledge and emotional supports, and the ever-procreating group with worry about another EP and demanded treatment- and rehabilitation-related knowledge. Conclusions EP patents live with a poor condition of mental health, their anxiety at a higher level. Those never having procreated have ever poorer condition in mental health and they have more strong desires for emotional supports. Medical staff should pay full attention to the cognitive emotional needs of EP patients, and provide them with personalized psychological intervention and emotional support.
Modern Clinical Nursing
ectopic pregnancy
emotional need