198 9~ 1998年对 1140名外出海南省做工回归人员进行了调查 ,疟疾发病率为 5 4.0 4% ,原虫率为14.39% ,其中恶性疟原虫阳性率为 12 .19% ,占阳性总数的 84.8%。观察 16例恶性疟原虫无性体带虫者对氯喹均呈现抗药性 ,临床观察 18例恶性疟病人 ,以氯喹系统治疗均无效 ,调查结果表明 ,我区所发现的恶性疟为输入性抗氯喹恶性疟。 10年来投入了大量的人力、物力和财力 ,开展综合防治和监测 ,经过对疫点和疫区居民进行全民抗复发治疗 ,外出回归人员进行药物根治 ,连续 2年“DDT”室内滞留喷洒和 6年溴 (氯 )氰菊酯浸帐灭蚊 ,控制了输入性恶性疟传播蔓延 ,至今未发现输入继发病例。但是 ,随着流动人口逐年增加 ,输入传染源必将增多 。
iob seekers who returned from Hainan Province were investigated continually from 1989 to 1998. The results showed that total malaria incidence was 54.04%, and the parasite rate was 14.39%. Of them, P.f. rate was 12.19%, accounting for 84.8% of total parasite positive cases. 16 P.f. carriers were observed being of chloroquine resistant and 18 patients with falciparum malaria were not cured with chloroquine. These results confirmed that P.f. cases found in Luan prefecture were imported chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria. After the antimalaria measures and malaria surveillance these 10 years, including mass prevention, DDT residual spray against mosquitos for 2 years and decamethrin(or cypermethrin), soak mosquito net against mosquitos for 6 years, the transmission of imported falciparum malaria was under contral. So far, no one introduced case has been detected. However, with the increase of mobile population, the number of imported case is escalating. Consequently, the prevention and cure of malaria and surveillance for the mobile population are of utmost importance to prevent transmission of chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control