目的 为探索口腔颌面深部海绵状血管畸形的有效治疗方法 ,采用Nd :YAG激光翻瓣照射法治疗血管畸形 31例病人 ,着重观察激光照射剂量参数与临床疗效的关系。方法 对口腔颌面部不同解剖部位的 31例深部海绵状血管畸形行翻瓣激光治疗。激光功率密度 30~ 70W/cm2 ,能量密度 70~ 10 0J/cm2 ,治疗后随访 1.5~ 3a。结果经治疗前后临床检查、影像学检查对比 ,显效 2 9例 ,占 93.5 5 % ;有效 2例 ,占 6 .45 % ,无 1例复发 ,无并发症。结论翻瓣Nd :YAG激光照射是治疗口腔颌面深部海绵状血管畸形的新方法 ,具有选择性治疗、保存正常组织、操作简单、出血少、并发症少的优点 ,有较大的临床推广应用价值。
Objective Based on our previous clinical report of Nd:YAG laser irradiation as the means for deeling with cavernous hemangioma in deep oral maxillofacial regions, this article detailed futher clinical application of this laser, trying to set up a non surgical method for treatment of angioma. The relationship of laser dosage and therapeutic effect and possible surrounding tissue thermal damages were investigated.Methods Clinical study was carried out on 31 cases of deep hemangiomas involving different areas. Nd:YAG laser irradiation was delivered after surgical elevation of the flaps. All cases surveyed a follow up of 1.5 to 3 years.Results Posttherapeutic clinical and imaging examinations were taken to compare the findings before and after treatment. There are 29 cases with complete regression (93.55%), 2 cases with partial regression (6.45%). No complication occurred.Conclusion Nd:YAG laser irradiation after flap elevation has been confirmed to be a valuable means to treat deep hemangiomas. It has the advantages of target tissue selection and normal tissue preservation, simplified manipulation and less bleeding, fewer complications and hihger successful rate.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
Non Surgical Treatment
Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation
Cavernous Hemangioma
Oral Maxillofacial Region