目的 探讨羊的全身麻醉方法。方法 采用氯胺酮 γ 羟丁酸钠 戊巴比妥钠静脉复合麻醉对 15只普通山羊施行麻醉 ,并按体重分组 ,进行麻醉期生理指标、麻醉药物剂量、手术时间、苏醒时间的对比研究。结果 不同体重组间比较无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。麻醉效果完善 ,手术维持时间长 (2 .5~ 3.5h) ,苏醒较快 (2~ 10min)。结论此方法克服了戊巴比妥钠麻醉剂量大、呼吸和循环抑制的缺点。而羟丁酸钠可延长全麻作用时间 ,减少氯胺酮的维持剂量。
Objective To find an appropriate anesthesia for the goat in experimental surgery.Methods 15 goats were operated on with intravenous anestheia using ketamine hydrochloride γ OH pentobarbital as anesthetic agents.They were grouped according to the weight.The physiologic index,drug dosage,operating time and awaking time were compared.Results There's no significant difference among the groups( P >0.05). All goats were anesthesised well,with advantage of long operating time(2.5~3.5h)and short awaking time(2~10min).Conclusion The method reduces the drug dosage of intravenous anesthesia using pentobarbital as an anestheic,with minimal respiratory and cirulatory depression.γ OH can prolong the duration of general anesthesia and reduce ketamine's maintenance dosage.Endotracheal intubation rssured safety of operation.The method is simple,safe with satisfactory anesthetic effects.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology