

Application and Improvement of Adaptive L Filter in Image Restoration
摘要 基于信号局部统计性质的线性滤波具有良好的图像噪声压制作用。为了进一步改进滤波器保护图像细节的能力,文中结合加权中值滤波器,对自适应L滤波器进行了改进。通过对同时含高斯噪声和椒盐噪声的图像进行试验处理,验证了方法的有效性。 Linear filters based on the statistic properties of local area signal are effective to enhance the SNR of images. In order to protect the details of images, the weighted median filter is introduced to improve the adaptive L-filters in this paper. Finally, one image with Gaussian noise and pepper & salt noise is enhanced by the improved adaptive L-filter. It is proved that the method is effective.
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期78-80,共3页 Coal Technology
关键词 自适应滤波 加权中值滤波 信噪比 adaptive filter weighted median filter ratio of signal to noise
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