

The Advantages of Religious Non-profit Organizations Participating in the American Philanthropy
摘要 美国慈善事业历史悠久、发展蓬勃,宗教因素不可或缺。与其他的非营利组织相比,民众对于宗教非营利组织具有较高的认同感和信任。宗教非营利组织一直是美国社会公益慈善事业的重要提供者,在开展慈善事业方面表现出了特殊的优势和强大的活力:宗教信仰是推动宗教非营利组织开展慈善事业的重要动力;宗教非营利组织拥有的雄厚社会资本是其开展慈善事业的重要资源;美国政府对宗教非营利组织的信任与资金资助是其开展慈善事业的重要支撑。 The religion is an indispensable factor in the development of American philanthropy which has a long historical standing. Comparing with other non-profit organizations, people have a higher sense of identity and trust to the religious non-profit organizations, which have been the important providers of social welfare charity, and show special advantages and strong vitality in carrying out philanthropy: the religious faith is an im- portant driving force that pushes religious non-profit organizations to develop philanthropy, their strong social capital is an important resource for charity, trust and financial from the U.S. government is also an important support to religious non-profit organization carry out charity.
出处 《学会》 2012年第5期8-12,共5页
基金 2010年辽宁省社会科学规划基金(L10BSH010) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金
关键词 宗教非营利组织 慈善事业 优势 religious non-profit organizations philanthropy advantages
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