

On the Inheritance of Xue Fengzuo's Academic Thought
摘要 薛凤祚是明末清初中西科学会通中承上启下的重要人物,在天文学和数学等领域的成就颇受世人瞩目,以至被誉为一代"畴人之功首"。他生平交游广泛,学术承传多家。他少受传统儒学教育,却能以科学探索弥补其空虚;他向西方传教士学习,却能"熔各方之材质,入吾学之型范";他继承和发展着徐光启等人较为开明的思想,会通中西,以中化西。他的学术思想在一定程度上突破传统观念的局限,使自己的科学研究具有了走向近代科学发展的倾向。 Xue Fengzuo, known as "the top scholar versed in astronomy and calendar", was greatly influenced in choosing his academic road and the academic achievement by the times of his life. Making a survey of his academic heritage can discover the academic track of the scientists in his age. Xue Fengzuo, a master of Chinese and western astronomy and calendar, is an important figure in nexus at the end of Ming Dynasty and at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. He drew worldwide attention in the fields of astronomy and mathematics so he was hailed as "the top scholar versed in astronomy and calendar". He is a man of wide acquaintance and traveling so his academic inherited from various schools. He had not got much education from Confucius but can make it up in his investigation. He learnt from western missionaries to digest and gain a thorough understanding of it. Xue Fengzuo inherited and de- veloped the enlightened thinking to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of Chinese and western so his academic thought could break through the limitations of traditional concepts to a certain extent to lead his academic research towards the development of modern science.
作者 郑强 王英
出处 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 2012年第3期97-102,共6页 Journal of Qilu Normal University
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(项目编号:10CWYZ02)科研成果之一
关键词 薛凤祚 交游 生平 思想 Xue Fengzuo Academic Thought Academic Thought Inheritance
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