
胡塞尔的感知和想象——从视觉中心主义的视角看 被引量:1

Hussars Approach to Transcendental Imagination under Ocularcentrism-Analysis of the relation between perception and imagination
摘要 视觉中心主义(Ocularcentrism)是现代学者对西方传统形而上学主要特征的一种统称,意指由古希腊哲学所开启的重视视觉的观看在人类获取知识、通达真理之途中的中介作用。胡塞尔在休谟、康德和布伦塔诺等人的影响下,从将直观区分为感知和想象两种直观行为入手,力图超越唯理论与经验论要么重视"心观"要么重视"眼观"的二极对立,在面向实事本身的态度中达到本质(Eidos)直观。虽然他表现出了重当下感知直观的经验主义倾向,但是从他对两种直观行为在意向性构造中的作用的不停探索,可以看到他努力超出感知与想象的经验式二分进而突入到超越论想象的倾向。事实上现象学的先验性必然导向对感觉当下的超脱,同时这种超脱又不是完全脱离,因而感知与想象在胡塞尔那里表现出内在的结构性关联。 Ocularcentrism is a general term which is called by modem scholars to mark the feature of western traditional philosophy.It implies that starting from ancient Greek western philosophers strength the medium function of ocular view in the way human beings obtain knowledge and search for the truth.Plato actually distinguishes two kinds of "eye" in the partition of sensible world and intelligible world.One is corporeal eye,the other is mind's eye.This dualism affects that later philosophers hold on either empiricism which strengths the view of corporeal eye,or rationalism which strengths the importance of mind's eye.Husserl,under the impression of Hume,Kant and Brentano, begins with making a distinction between perception and imagination,and attempts to transcend the opposition between empiricism and rationalism which strength the view of either corporeal eye or mind's eye,and with the attitude to face to thing-in-itself he wants to reach to the intuition of Eidos.When he considers the priority of this two kind of intuitional action,perception and imagination,he favors the perception and remains the inclination toward empiricism,but he ceaselessly explores the function of the two intuitional action in intentional construction,and we can see his inclination to try to transcend the empirical partition between perception and imagination and then slip into transcendental imagination,Actually,the transcendcntality of phenomenology will necessarily lead to transcend the presence of perception,and meanwhile it's not completely departed from the presence.So perception and imagination have constitutive relevance in Husserl's philosophy.
作者 王继
出处 《清远职业技术学院学报》 2012年第2期100-103,共4页 Journal of Qingyuan Polytechnic
基金 国家社科基金项目"视觉中心主义的现象学研究"阶段性研究成果(编号:11BZX056)
关键词 胡塞尔 视觉中心主义 直观 感知 想象 Husserl Ocularcentrism intuition pereeption imagination
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