
“大学英语B”移动学习实证研究——基于FRAME模型的设计与开发 被引量:18

An Empirical Study on Mobile Learning of College English B:Design and Development Based on Koole's FRAME Model
摘要 随着信息技术的发展,移动学习越来越受到各级各类教育和培训机构的青睐。众多机构和院校纷纷设立项目开展研究,但这些研究要么尚局限于大学的普适技术实验室,要么在学校中被看作是课堂学习的补充,即使是在电大系统中也大多当作信息交流和日常管理的平台。本研究以电大系统广泛采用的蓝卓校园网为平台,以北京广播电视大学五所分校的100名本科学生为研究对象,采用手机彩信(MMS)方式为试点学生发送教育部统考"大学英语B"微型课件。本研究以FRAME移动学习分析模型为出发点,在实验前期对学习对象、教学设计、内容呈现等方面做了充分调研。经过一个学期的试点后,从实验效果、学习者认可度和对下一步实验的意见、建议等方面实施了调查问卷和访谈。研究结果表明,与控制组学生相比,实验组学生考试通过率大幅度提升,绝大部分成人学习者对这种学习方式持欢迎态度,并对扩大试点范围和内容针对性等方面提出了建议。由于该研究是基于教学实践的实证研究,将对以后移动学习的普及乃至泛在学习的未来发展提供案例参考。 With the development of lCT, mobile learning will be more and more popular among the various education- al and training institutions. Many institutions and universities have established some projects to do the research on mo- bile learning. However, some mobile learning programs were restricted to the ubiquitous technology laboratory current- ly, some were just regarded as the supplements for the classroom tutorials. Even in the TVUs some of them have been considered as a platform to communicate with students and administrate students affairs. The research uses Mobile Campus as a platform to send MMS about College English B to 100 students in five branches of Beijing Open Universi- ty. The project is based on Koole 's The Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education, namely FRAME. At the beginning of the pilot, researchers conducted the analysis of adult learners, teaching design, and contents pres- entation. After one term ts trial, the researchers implemented the questionnaire and interview on the result, the subjects attitude and suggestions for the further research and practice etc. It has been shown that the passing rate of exam of the experimental group was much higher than that of the control group. Most adult learners welcome mobile learning and give some valuable suggestions on its content and effectiveness and hope the range of the pilot will go on and ex- pand. The finding of the empirical study will provide mobile learning with many inspirations and lessons into the prac- tice and the accomplishment of ubiquitous learning.
作者 刘永权
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期76-82,共7页 Open Education Research
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划课题"泛在学习中数字化学习资源的开发与应用"(编号:DCA080148)子课题"英语泛在学习与学生语言水平与技能的提高"阶段性成果
关键词 “大学英语B” 移动学习 FRAME模型 College English B mobile learning FRAME model
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