
汕头南澳岛沿岸浮游植物对阳光紫外辐射响应的研究 被引量:2

Response of phytoplankton to solar UVR in Nan'ao Island,Shantou
摘要 为了阐明汕头南澳岛沿岸表层水体浮游植物群落对阳光紫外辐射(UVR,280~400 nm)变化的响应,试验检测了浮游植物在全波段阳光和滤除UVR或UV-B条件下的光合固碳随光强的变化关系,同时还检测了浮游植物群落的紫外辐射作用光谱(BWF)。结果表明,阳光UVR可以明显的抑制浮游植物的光合固碳,当滤除UVR后,光合固碳受到的抑制程度下降。在100%阳光辐射条件下,光合固碳受到的抑制程度最大。紫外辐射作用光谱显示,浮游植物对UV-B最敏感,其抑制程度显著大于UV-A波段。 In order to know the effects of solar UV radiation(280-400 nm) on coastal phytoplankton in Nan’ao,Shantou,the relationship between photosynthetic carbon fixation and solar radiation were examined under full spectrum solar radiation or filtering out UVR or UV-B.The biological weighting function(BWF) was checked.It was found that solar UVR suppressed the photosynthetic carbon fixation.However,the less inhibition was detected when solar UVR or UV-B were cut-off.The most serious inhibition was observed under the 100% whole solar radiation.The BWF showed that phytoplankton was more sensitive to UV-B than UV-A.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期425-429,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 温州市科技局项目资助(S20100019) 浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室资助(J2011003 2010F30003)
关键词 BWF 浮游植物 光合作用 UVR BWF phytoplankton photosynthesis UVR
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