
基于多终端协同的业务流控制 被引量:6

Service-Flow Control Based on Multiterminal Cooperation
摘要 文章基于IP多媒体子系统(IMS)分层网络架构模型,设计了一种基于多终端的业务流控制系统构架。根据该系统架构和多终端协同的特征,文章提炼出基于多终端协同的业务流控制所面临的关键技术需求。满足这些需求可充分发挥网络与终端融合协同所带来的个人化、智能化业务能力,改善信息传输服务质量,为用户提供智能化业务体验。文章通过阐述两种典型的多终端协同应用场景——多网协作传输和移动性管理,说明了基于多终端协同的业务流控制所具有的重要意义。 In this paper we propose an architecture for a multiterminal service-flow control system. This architecture is based on IMS layered-network architecture. We outline the technology requirements for this system. When these requirements are met, networks and terminals can cooperate, and personalized and intelligent services can be created. The architecture improves transmission and provides intelligent user experience. We describe two typical cooperative multiterminal applications: multinetwork cooperative transmission, and mobility management. From these, we can determine the effectiveness of a multiterminal-based service-flow control system .
出处 《中兴通讯技术》 2012年第3期16-19,27,共5页 ZTE Technology Journal
基金 国家高技术研究发展"(863")计划(2009AA1Z262) 国家自然科学基金(60971125) 国家科技重大专项(2011ZX03005-004-02)
关键词 移动泛在业务环境 多终端协同 业务流控制 mobile ubiquitous service environment multi-terminal cooperation control
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