
从赫斯顿到沃克——管窥美国非裔女性文学传统 被引量:1

From Hurston to Walker——On the Tradition of African-American Female Literature
摘要 循着赫斯顿与沃克主要作品的脉络,梳理这两位美国非裔女性文学里程碑式的代表作家的创作主旨和文学诉求,可勾勒出美国非裔女性文学传统的轮廓:崇尚黑人性,弘扬黑人传统文化;正视种族和阶级歧视,塑造真实黑人新形象;解构性别主义,诉求黑人妇女解放以及寄情姐妹情谊,期盼大同社会。简言之,反性别主义、反种族主义、非洲中心主义和人道主义,就是美国非裔女性文学传统的精髓和标识。 Hurston and Walker are two representative women writers of African-American Female Literature. Based on their writing purport reflected in their classic works, the tradition of African-American female literature can be analyzed and highlighted. In their writing practice, those contemporary black women writers have followed the literary tradition constituted by Hurston and developed by Walker. In their writing, they advocate negroness and black traditional culture; they try to create new images for black people by properly interpreting racial discrimination; they pursue the black women's liberation by deconstructing the sexism. Finally they anticipate the realization of a fair and harmonious society by promoting a woman-bonding among black women as well as uniting black men. In a word, the essence and the label of African-American Female Literature involve anti-sexism, anti-racism, Afra-centrism and Humanism.
作者 马慧 赵瑾
出处 《昆明学院学报》 2012年第2期114-118,共5页 Journal of Kunming University
基金 昆明学院教学改革及教学质量工程创新项目"英语专业基础阶段阅读类课程改革实验"
关键词 佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿 艾莉丝·沃克 美国黑人女作家 美国非裔女性文学 文学传统 妇女主义 Zero Neale Hurston Alice Walker American black writers African-American female literature literary tradition feminism
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  • 2Hurston,Zora Neale. Mules and Men. Alice Walker ed. I Love Myself When I Am Laughing-New York: the Feminist Press,1979.
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