
无线传感器网络CPKAI密钥管理方案 被引量:1

Research on the CPKAI key Management Scheme of Wireless Sensor Network
摘要 公钥能提供对称密钥无法提供的高安全等级。基于身份的加密技术密钥管理简单、无需第三方参与,但计算复杂度较高,不适用于无线传感网;组合公钥技术存储要求低而认证规模巨大,可在芯片级实现认证,适合无线传感网,但存在合谋攻击问题。基于身份的组合公钥认证方案,将上述技术进行优势整合,采用密钥因子矩阵取代双线性映射生成密钥,有效地降低了加密/解密计算的复杂度,从而节省了网络能耗;密钥因子矩阵基于簇生成,极大地减少了密钥存储空间,并抵御了合谋攻击。从理论上分析了方案的安全性,并通过仿真实验,证明方案在计算复杂度和能效方面具有较大的优势。 Public key can provide the high level of security which symmetric key can not do.Identity-based encryption key management is simple and not third party involved,but its higher computational complexity is not suitable for wireless sensor network;Combined public key technology with low storage requirement and a huge certification size can achieve certification at the chip level and is suitable for wireless sensor network,but there exists the problem of conspiracy attack.This paper presents a combined public key authentication scheme of identity-based,which integrates the advantages of the technology and replaces the bilinear mapping to generate keys with the key factor matrix,thus effectively reducing the encryption/decryption computational complexity and saving the network energy consumption.Key factor matrix based on cluster generation greatly reduces the storage space of the key and resists the conspiracy attack.It also analyses the safety of the scheme from the theory.The simulation proves that the scheme has a larger advantage in the computational complexity and energy efficiency.
作者 归奕红
出处 《河池学院学报》 2012年第2期49-54,共6页 Journal of Hechi University
基金 广西教育厅科研基金资助项目(200708LX260)
关键词 组合公钥 身份 加密 认证 无线传感器网络 combined public key(CPK) identity encryption authentication wireless sensor network(WSN)
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