
高校思想政治教育的生态素质拓展研究 被引量:3

Ecological Quality Development of Ideological and Political Education in University
摘要 生态素质教育立足于人与自然的关系,强调人与自然的相互依存、和睦相处,这应当是高校思想政治教育的有机内容。当前高校思想政治教育的生态素质教育缺失。加强生态素质教育,对于提升高校思想政治教育课的现实性,培养大学生尊重自然、关爱生命,增强社会责任感和"类意识",引导和促使大学生选择健康的生活方式,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。 Ecological quality education is based on the relationship between man and nature, stressing their mutual dependence and harmonious existence. It should be an organic part of ideological and political education in university, but in reality it is lacked. Therefore, to strengthen ecological quality education is of great academic value and realistic significance to promoting the feasibility of ideological and political education in university, cultivating university students’ respect for nature, their cherishing life, strengthening sense of social responsibility and category consciousness, and directing their choice of ecological and healthy life styles.
出处 《长江师范学院学报》 2012年第4期31-35,138,共5页 Journal of Yangtze Normal University
关键词 高校思想政治教育 生态素质教育 情感 认知 ideological and political education in university ecological quality education emotion cognition
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