
文化进化的实验与非实验研究方法 被引量:12

Experimental and Non-experimental Approaches to Culture Evolution Study
摘要 文化进化的研究者认为文化同基因一样存在累积性的进化,可以用达尔文进化理论进行解释。文化的累积性进化是通过文化传递,即文化学习机制实现的,可以使用实验(包括传递链方法、置换方法和固定组方法)与非实验方法(包括历史研究方法、比较法和计算机模拟)进行研究。历史研究方法、比较法具有较高的本土文化契合性,但难以提供因果解释;计算机模拟可以对各种变量进行控制,但易缺少生态效度;实验方法通过对文化传递的情境模拟,能获得具有较高的因果解释力和生态效度的结果。 Proponents of culture evolution believe that culture evolves cumulatively in the same way as gene, a phenomenon that can be interpreted by Darwinian Evolutionary Theory as well. The culture learning mechanism of culture evolution can be studied by both non-experimental methods such as historical method, comparative method, and computer simulation, and experimental methods like transmission chain method, replacement method and constant-group method. Comparative and historical methods are essentially bonded with native culture but can not afford a causal explanation for it. Alternatively, computer simulation and experimental methods are advantageous in operating culture variables, reproduce culture evolution, and provide causal interpretation. In contrast with computer simulation, the experimental methods have better external and ecological validity. However, all the methods mentioned above have their own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore researchers who focus on culture evolution may carry out studies by combining these approaches for a more convincing and valid conclusion.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期5-13,共9页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-10-0869) 中央财经大学科研创新团队计划和高层次人才引进科研启动项目
关键词 文化进化 实验研究方法 传递链方法 置换方法 固定组方法 culture evolution experimental method transmission chain method replacement method constant-group method
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