

Segmentation algorithm on slap fingerprint based on image interpolated
摘要 提出一种基于图像插值和椭圆拟合的联指图分割算法。该算法充分利用指纹图像中指纹区域和非指纹区域存在的灰度差异,实现了多指指纹的自动分割。实验表明,该算法不仅能够对低对比度联指图、噪声联指图、"光环"联指图、联指图旋转、部分残缺联指图等常规联指图进行正确分割,且可成功实现指纹连接情况下的特殊联指图分割。 Image interpolated and fitting ellipse based algorithm for segmenting slap fingerprint into its fingertip components is presented. The algorithm can achieve the automatic division of multi-finger fingerprint utilizing the grayscale difference between fin- gerprints region and the other region in the image. In the experiment, the success of the approach to address mostly situations of the slap fingerprint is demonstrated, namely low contrast slap image, nosiy slap image, halo slap image, slap rotation, partial little finger, and experiment also shows that the algorithm can successfully solve the abnormal situations of connecting fingerprints.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2012年第6期126-128,131,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 2010年大连理工大学校级大学生创新性实验项目(2010105) 国家自然基金(81071127)
关键词 联指图分割 指纹中心确定 旋转 连指插值分隔 指纹提取 slap segmentation ensuring fingerprints centre rotation image interpolated fingerprint collection
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