目的探讨B超引导下经皮肾穿刺微造瘘碎石取石术(MPCNL)治疗复杂性肾结石的安全性与有效性。方法对2008年5月~2010年6月65例采用B超引导下MPCNL治疗的复杂性肾结石患者资料进行回顾性分析。结果 65例经皮肾穿刺微造瘘取石术均顺利完成,其中一次取石54例,二次及以上取石11例,单通道取石62例,多通道取石3例。结石清除率为89%,术中估计出血量平均约150ml,平均手术时间110min,术后平均住院时间7d,无术中大出血,术后大出血1例,经B超选择性肾动脉栓塞治疗后痊愈,无中转开放手术病例。结论 B超引导下经皮肾穿刺微造瘘碎石取石术具有安全性高、创伤小、并发症少和恢复快的优势,疗效确切,是治疗复杂性肾结石的良好方法之一。
Objective To evaluate the safety and efficiency of ultrasoun.d-guided minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (MPCNL) in treating complex renal calculi. Methods The writers retrospectively investigated 65 cases who underwent ultrasound-guided MPCNL for complex renal calculi from Mayl 2008 to June 2010. Results All the cases were successfully performed by ultrasound-guided MPCNL,with one section procedure in54 oases ,and two sections or m ore in 11 cases. Single tract in 62 cases, multiple tracts in 3 cases respectively. The stone-free rate was 89%.The average operation time was 110 minutes, the estimated blood loss volume was 150 mL and the postoperative average hospitalization time was 7 days. No hematorrhea occurred during operation, and postoperative hematorrhea occurred in 1 case who was cured by super selective renal artery embolization. No conversion to open surgery required in all cases. Conclusion Ultrasound-guided MPCNL has advantages of safety, minimal invasian, less complication, postoperative early resumption and shorter hospital stay, which may provide an effective modality for the treatment of complex renal calculi.
Contemporary Medicine
Minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy(MPCNL)
Fetch stone
Renal calculi