
海洛因所致海绵状脑白质病的MRI表现 被引量:1

MRI Expression of Sponge-like Leukoencephalopathy Caused by Heroin
摘要 目的:观察海洛因所致海绵状脑白质病的MRI表现及其诊断价值。方法:对本院收治的13例吸食海洛因所致海绵状脑白质病的患者用0.2T永磁型MR仪进行MRI检查,检查序列为自旋回波(SE)T1WI、快速自旋回波(FSE)T2WI及反转恢复FIR,观察患者MRI表现特征。结果:13例患者均可见脑内白质双侧对称性异常病变,累及部位包括小脑半球、大脑半球脑白质、内囊后肢、胼胝体压部和膝部;MRI检查T1WI均呈低信号,T2WI与FIR序列均表现为均匀或不均匀的高信号;受累部位以小脑半球白质最为严重,而灰质核团则未见受累。结论:海洛因所致海绵状脑白质病在MRI检查中具有典型特征表现,结合临床病史,MRI对此病的诊断具有特异性。 Objective :To observe MRI expression and the diagnosis value of sponge-fike leukoencephalopathy caused by heroin.Methods :Did MRI examination by 0.2T permanent magnet MR instrument for 13 cases of patients of sponge-like leukoencephalopathy caused by heroin, the check sequence was(SE) T1WI, fast spin echo (FSE)T2WI and inversion recovery FIR, observed MRI features of patients' .Results :13 patients were visible to the bilateral symmetry of abnormality of the brain white matter, involving parts of the cerebellar hemispheres, the cerebral hemisphere white matter, internal capsule, the hind legs and knee of the corpus callosum ; T1WI showed low signal by MRI examination, T2WI and FIR sequences showed homogeneous or heterogeneous high signal ; Cerebellar hemispheric white matter was the most severe affected area, but its gray matter nuclei had not been involved.Conclusion :Sponge-like leukoencephalopathy caused by heroin in MRI examination has the typical characteristics of performance, combined with clinical history, the diagnosis of MRI for the disease is specific.
作者 罗锐锋
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2012年第16期88-89,共2页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 MRI 海洛因 海绵状脑白质病 MRI Heroin Sponge-like leukoencephalopathy
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