Title: Capitals of Capital: The Rise and Fall of International Financial Centers, 1780-2009 Publisher: Cambridge Univer- sity Press Author: Youssef Cassis, Jacque- line Collier Pub date: March 2010 408 pages, Paperback, USD 50T HE financial world is plagued by cutthroat wars, but no bloodshed is ever witnessed. From the Asian financial crisis to the U.S. subprime catastrophe, a number of financial storms have swept the world in recent years. In the battle for profits, nobody is a permanent winner.
THE financial world is plagued by cutthroat wars, but no bloodshed is ever witnessed. From the Asian financial crisis to the U.S. sub- prime catastrophe, a number of financial storms have swept the world in recent years. In the battle for profits, nobody is a permanent winner.