目的分析2010年广东省部分地区运输事故伤害住院患者状况,为制定防制策略提供依据。方法在广东省伤害城市监测点深圳市、珠海市各选3家二级以上共6家医院,农村点南雄市、新兴县、连平县各选取1家市(县)人民医院,收集2010年1月1日至2010年12月31日所有伤害住院病历首页,对其中运输事故伤害住院病例分析。结果广东省9家综合医院因运输事故伤害住院病例5427例,占伤害住院病例的28.3%,男女性别比为2.24∶1(3752/1675),运输事故伤害高发于冬季(33.5%),43.7%的伤害病例为流动人口,以骑摩托车人员在运输事故中损伤最多(36.3%),头部损伤2227例(41.1%),住院天数中位数为10 d,住院费用中位数为5468.97元。结论广东省运输事故伤害不容忽视,流动人口的交通运输安全已成为严重的公共卫生问题。
Objective To describe distribution of transportation-related injury inpatients in sentinel hospitals in Guangdong Province, 2010. Methods Injury inpatient records for all types were collected from nine sentinel hospitals, six second-level and above hospitals from urban surveillance sites in Shenzhen and Zhuhai cities, and three county-level hospitals of rural surveillance sites from Nanxiong City, Xinxing County and Lianping County. Transportation-related injury inpatients information from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2010 were analized. Results There were totally 5427 cases of transportation- related injury in all hospitals, accounting for 28. 3% of total injury-related cases, and male-to-female ratio was 2. 24:1 (3752/1675). 33.5% of injuries were occurred in winter, 43.7% of inpatients were migrants, and motorcycle drivers were the largest group involved in transportation-related injury (36. 3% ). In addition, head was the most common injured body position (41.1%). The medians for length of stay in hospital and daily expense were 10 days and 5468.97 Yuan, respectively. Conclusion Moderate-to-High level of transportation injury was a serious public health problem, especially those involving migrant population, and health education and intervention should be carried out.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Transportation accident