
一种Ku波段帽型组合馈源设计分析 被引量:1

Design of a Ku-band Combined Hat Feed
摘要 针对船载小口径天线的馈源设计需求,对一种新型组合馈源的馈电结构进行了模式分析,给出了一个环形口面辐射场的计算方法。通过优化提出了一个Ku频段线极化工作的组合馈源设计实例。经过CST优化仿真,组合馈源的反射板不到3个波长,且在馈源辐射波束半张角为90°时,主面边缘照射电平约为-10 dB。同时由于该组合馈源具有自支撑结构优点,因此非常适合应用于小口径、小焦径比的反射面天线。 To fulfill the requirement of ship-borne small aperture reflector antenna feed, the field modes traveling through the waveguide of a new-type combined feed are analyzed. A method is also introduced for calculating the radiation pattern of ring-shaped radiating aperture. Finally, an effective linearly polarized combined feed design is presented in Ku-band. After simulation and optimization by using CST microwave studio,the sub-reflector dimensions of the combined feed are smaller than 3 wavelengths and the subtended half angle of the beam width is about 90 degrees for - 10 dB taper. Due to the advantages such as wide half angle of beam width and self-supported compact structure of this combined feed, it is extremely suitable to illuminate a main reflector with small aperture area and small f/D.
出处 《无线电通信技术》 2012年第3期47-50,共4页 Radio Communications Technology
关键词 帽型组合馈源 介质环 小副面 宽波束 hat feed dielectric ring small subreflector wide beamwidth
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