
著作权法借鉴国际条约与国外立法:问题与对策 被引量:44

Using International Treaties and Overseas Legislation for Reference for the Copyright Law:Problems and Countermeasures
摘要 在要求我国迅速建立与国际接轨的著作权制度的外部压力下,我国《著作权法》的制定及其后的修改大量借鉴了国际著作权条约和国外立法的规定,此种立法产生了三方面副作用:(1)"博采众长"造成了条文之间的逻辑矛盾;(2)直接照搬国际条约使得立法过时或过于粗糙;(3)对国际通行规则的改动导致立法目的无法实现。目前启动的《著作权法》第三次修改工作并无外部压力,建议按以下三种方式借鉴国际条约和国外立法:(1)以一个法系中一个主要国家作为借鉴的样板;(2)改对国际条约规定的直接照搬为根据国情、用本国立法语言重新制定精细化的规则;(3)除非有充分理由,不轻易改动国际通行的规则。 Under the external pressure of being required to establish a fast copyright system in line with international standards, the formulation and revision of the Copyright Law in China considerably use international treaties and the relevant regulations in overseas legislation for reference. However, this approach to legislation brings about three side effects : ( 1 ) learning widely from others' strong points leading to logic conflicts between articles; (2) copying international treaties without revision making the legislation out of date or too rough; (3) altering the general international regulations leading to the failure of legislative objectives. As the third time revision of the Copyright Law initiated recently is not under the external pressure, the following three ap- proaches to using international treaties and overseas legislation for reference are suggested : ( 1 ) using a major country in one legal system as a sample for reference; (2) changing from copying the regulations under international treaties without revision to drawing up new precise rules by using native legislative language and according to national circumstances; (3) no hasty alterations to the general international regulations without am- ple reasons.
作者 王迁
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期28-38,共11页 China Legal Science
基金 国家社科基金项目<版权保护技术规制研究>(项目编号:10CFX057号)的研究成果之一
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  • 1.《专利法》第52条[Z].,..
  • 2Michael Freeman (ed), Legislation and the Courts, Dartmouth Publishing (1997) p. 14.
  • 3世界知识产权组织(WIPO)网站上WCT的正式中文译文.
  • 4Berne Convention, Article 11bis.
  • 5Andrew Christie, The New Right of Communication in Australia, The Sydney Law Review, Vol.27, p.237,241 (2005).
  • 6北京市第一中级人民法院民事判决书(2008)一中民终字第5314号.
  • 7JOrg Reinbothe, Silke yon Lewinski, The WIPO Treaties 1996: The WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty: Commentary and Legal Analysis, Butterworths, 2002, p.109.
  • 8Melvile B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright §8.18 , Matthew Bender & Company (2003).
  • 9WTO, Report of the Panel, China-Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, WT/DS362/R, para. 7. 153.
  • 10WTO, Report of the Panel, China-Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, WT/DS362/R, para. 7. 160.










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