通过调查发现 ,目前我国高校体育专业毕业生到教育、体委部门以外工作的比例逐渐增加 ,但社会对于体育专业人才的知识、能力和现有的课程设置并不满意 .主要原因是 :专业培养目标以体育教育为主 ,课程设置有较大的片面性 ,学科间缺少交流 ,使体育专业学生缺乏立体与多层次的知识 ,应变能力较差等 .根据这一现状和高校教育改革的潮流 ,体育专业的培养目标将由单一的体育教育向健康保健、教育教养、竞技娱乐等多元方向发展 ,课程改革将在增厚加宽基础教育课程的基础上 ,向现代化、国际化趋势发展 ;课程设置趋于综合、灵活 。
It is foundout that some graduates of physical education speciality can′t meet the demands of the society because of their limited knowledge and ability.The main reasons are :Physical education is the emphasis of its training aim;its courses are not comprehensive;there is little exchange between subjects,the students don′t have enough overall knowledge and the ability to adapt themselves is rather weak.Therefore,its training aim,instead of single physical education,should be at health care,education,sports and entertainment.The course reform should be developed in the direction of modernization and internationalization.Its course setup should be more comprehensive,flexible and varied.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Natoral Sciences)