对河南省饮用水中藻毒素污染状况进行了调查研究 ,分析了水体中藻毒素的来源、毒理及迁移转化的影响因素 ,指出目前控制河南省饮用水中藻毒素污染必须将水源水控制治理与净水工艺处理结合起来 。
This paper has described the pollution outline of algal toxins in the drinking water in Henan Province, the bluegreen algae which produce algal toxins and the toxicity have been resumed. The behavior of algal toxins can be affeced by the sun-light, temperature, pigments. organic matters, water-bome organisms etc. At present, enhancing the management to the souce water and optimizing the drinking water treatment processes are the feasible ways to effectively control the pollution.
Henan Science