
压气机叶片流固耦合数值计算 被引量:22

Numerical simulation of aeroelastic response in compressor based on fluid-structure coupling
摘要 采用流固耦合方法对压气机单排跨声叶片进行气动弹性数值模拟.首先对压气机流场进行三维定常求解,并与试验结果进行比对.在定常流场分析的基础上,进行流固耦合计算,采用非定常方法分别求解流体域Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程和固体域结构动力学方程.耦合过程中,流体域和固体域在物理边界上进行能量传递.计算结果表明:所采用的流固耦合数值方法用于判断叶轮机械叶片气弹稳定性是可行的,可以得到叶片的瞬态响应,从而判断叶片是否发生颤振. A numerical simulation method for fluid-structure interaction(FSI) in compressor was presented to predict the aeroelastic stability of blade.Results from steady-state computation were compared with time-averaged experimental data in this paper.On the basis of the steady-state simulation,a flow solver was coupled to a structure solver by using a fluid-structure interface method.The integration of the three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes(N-S) equations was performed in time domain,simultaneously to the integration of a three-dimensional structure model.In the process of coupling,energy transferred from physical interface between fluid and structure.The study shows that the developed fluid-structure method is feasible to predict the aeroelastic stability of blades.The result of numerical simulation shows the response of blade,thus helping to predict the flutter.
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1054-1060,共7页 Journal of Aerospace Power
基金 国家计划重点项目(2007AA050502)
关键词 气弹稳定性 流固耦合 颤振 叶片 压气机 aerostability fluid-structure interaction(FSI) flutter blade compressor
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