本文分析脊髓损伤患者泌尿系感染的病原菌构成及耐药状况。对 1998年 1月至 1999年 6月住院SCI患者中段尿进行培养、病原菌鉴定及药敏试验。结果显示 4 56株病原菌中 G-杆菌与 G+球菌之比为 9.36∶1。G-杆菌耐药率依次是铜绿假单胞菌、阴沟肠杆菌和大肠杆菌。金葡菌的耐药率 6 2 %。根据 SCI患者泌尿系感染病原菌特点及耐药机制的不断变迁 ,合理选择抗菌药物并综合运用其它治疗手段控制感染十分重要。
To investigate constituent ratio and drug resistant status of pathogenic bacterium in SCI patients with urinary infection.The germ cultures of midstream urine samples and identifications to 456 stains pathogenic bacterium were conducted,susceptibility to antibiotics were tested.The results showed that G - baccili occupied absolute predominance among pathogenic bacterium.It is very important to select antibiotics rational for urinary infections of SCI patients according to the results of susceptibility tests.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice