
PET/CT联合高分辨超声对甲状腺偶发病灶良恶性鉴别诊断的价值 被引量:7

Diagnostic value of PET/CT combined with ultrasound for differentiating malignant from benign thyroid lesions incidentally found by ^18F-FDG PET/CT
摘要 目的探讨PET/CT联合高分辨超声(US)对甲状腺偶发病灶良、恶性的鉴别诊断价值。方法对73个PET/CT检出的甲状腺偶发病灶病理确诊前PET/CT和US诊断意见按3分法(0分,良性可能;1分,无明确定性;2分,恶性可疑)分类,并测定病灶长径和SUVmax以病理诊断为“金标准”,评价SUVmax、PET/CT、US、PET/CT联合US(PET/CT+US)对恶性病灶的检出效能。统计学检验包括t检验、Z检验、X^2检验和Kappa一致性检验。结果73个甲状腺偶发病灶病理确诊恶性病灶占59%(43/73),良性病灶占41%(30/73)。恶性病灶SUVmax(7.0±8.1)高于良性病灶(4.1±3.8;t=2.062,P=0.043),长径小于良性病灶[(2.0±1.1)cm比(2.7±1.4)cm;t=2.628,P=0.011]。SUVmax、PET/CT、US及PET/CT+US诊断恶性病灶的ROCAUC(95%ct)分别为0.580(0.448~0.713)、0.763(0.647~0.878)、0.905(0.826~0.983)和0.909(0.840~0.979),PET/CTAUC明显大于SUVmax(Z=2.033,P=0.042),US、PET/CT+US也明显大于PET/CT(Z值分别为1.992和2.112,P均〈0.05)和SUVmax(z值分别为4.120和4.276,P均〈0.001)。最佳阈值下,SUVmax、PET/CT、US、PET/CT+US诊断的灵敏度、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为42%(18/43)、83%(25/30)、59%(43/73)、78%(18/23)、50%(25/50),79%(34/43)、80%(24/30)、79%(58/73)、85%(34/40)、73%(24/33),84%(36/43)、90%(27/30)、86%(63/73)、92%(36/39)、79%(27/34)和98%(42/43)、67%(20/30)、85%(62/73)、81%(42/52)、95%(20/21)。与病理诊断比较,SUVmax诊断的一致性较差(Kappa=0.229,P=0.023),PET/CT的一致性中等(Kappa=0.582,P〈0.001),US和PET/CT+US的一致性好(Kappa值分别为0.668和0.674,P均〈0.001)。PET/CT+us与PET/CT比较,灵敏度从79%(34/43)提高到98%(42/43),差异有统计学意义(r=6.125,P=0.008),而特异性差异无统计学意义(从80%降低到67%;X^2=2.250,P〉0.05)。结论联合高分辨US能明显提高^18F—FDGPET/CT对甲状腺偶发病灶良、恶性的鉴别诊断效能。 Objective To investigate the value of ^18F-FDG PET/CT combined with ultrasound (US) imaging for differentiating malignant from benign thyroid lesions. Methods Seventy-three thyroid le- sions incidentally found by is F-FDG PET/CT imaging were enrolled. Final diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology or cytology. Interpretations of PET/CT and US included a subjective classification on a 3-point scale (0: probably benign, 1 : uncertain, 2: probably malignant) , along with the longest diameter measure and SUVmax of the thyroid lesions. The accuracies of PET/CT, US and PET/CT + US for differentiating malignant from benign thyroid lesions were compared by ROC curve analysis, with a Z test to compare the AUC. The Kappa test, t-test and X^2 test were also used. Results Of the 73 thyroid lesions, there were 43 (59%) malignant and 30 (41%) benign lesions. The SUVm,x of malignant lesions was significantly higher than that of benign lesions (7.0 ±8. 1 vs 4. 1 ± 3.8 ; t = 2. 062, P = 0. 043 ) , and the longest diameter of malignant lesions was smaller than that of benign lesions (2.0±+ 1.1 vs 2.7 ± 1.4 ; t = 2. 628, P = 0. 011 ). To differentiate malignant from benign thyroid lesions, the AUC of SUVm,X was 0. 580 (95% CI: 0. 448 -0. 713). After analyzing the features of PET and CT images, the AUC of PET/CT was significantly improved to 0. 763 (95% CI :0.647-0.878; Z=2.033, P=0.042). TheAUC of US (0.905, 95% CI :0.826-0.983) and PET/CT + US (0. 909, 95% CI:0. 840-0. 979) were significantly higher than that of PET/CT (Z = 1. 992 and 2.112, both P 〈 0.05 ) or SUVmax ( Z = 4.120 and 4. 276, both P 〈 0. 001 ). The optimal sensi- tivity, specificity, accuraey, positive predictive value, negative predietive value were 42% (18/43) , 83% (25/30), 59% (43/73), 78% (18/23), 50% (25/50) for SUV 79% (34/43), 80% (24/30), 79% (58/73), 85% (34/40) , 73% (24/33) for PET/CT, 84% (36/43), 90% (27/30), 86% (63/73), 92% (36/39), 79% (27/34) for US, and 98% (42/43), 67% (20/30), 85% (62/73), 81% (42/52), 95% (20/21) for PET/CT + US, respectively. Agreement was poor for SUV (Kappa = 0. 229, P = 0. 023), fair for PET/CT (Kappa =0. 582, P 〈0. 001 ), and good for US (Kappa =0. 668, P 〈0. 001 ) and PET/CT + US (Kappa =0. 674, P 〈0. 001 ). Compared with PET/CT, the sensitivity of PET/CT + US was significantly higher (X^2 = 6. 125, P = 0. 008 ), while the specificity had no statistical difference (X^2 = 2. 250, P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion By combining PET/CT with US, the diagnostic efficacy is significantly improved in differentiating malignant from benign thyroid lesions found by is F-FDG PET/CT.
出处 《中华核医学与分子影像杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期183-188,共6页 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
关键词 甲状腺肿瘤 诊断 鉴别 体层摄影术 发射型计算机 体层摄影术 X线计算机 超声检查 脱氧葡萄糖 Thyroid neoplasms Diagnosis, differential Tomography, emission-computed Tomography, X-ray computed Uhrasonography Deoxyglucose
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