自 1997年 3月起 ,应用国产胶原酶注射剂对 4 0 0例椎间盘突、膨出症患者进行盘外、盘内或盘内外混合注射治疗 ,经 1个月至 3年近中期随访显示 :治疗优良率 94 %。其中 183例CT复查显示原突出的椎间盘组织均有不同程度的缩小 ,97例原突出完全消失。注射用胶原酶对胶原有特异的降解作用 ,有效地溶解髓核和纤维环 ,解除椎间盘突出对神经根的压迫 ,达到治疗目的。注射胶原酶具有操作简单 ,价格适宜 ,疗效确切 ,痛苦小 ,易于被患者接受的特点 ,是有效的治疗手术之一。
The goal of this paper is to elucidate the efficacy of collagenase injection in treatment of protrusion of lumbar interventebal diskc.Four hundred patients with protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc were treated by extradisc,intradisc injection,or both combined injections.The results of follow-up for middle phase (one month~three years) showed that 94% of patients reached fine therapeutic effect.CT checked outcome of 183 patients showed that the projected tissue masses from the intervertebral disc were reduced by different degree,97 of them,the projected tissue masses were completely disappeared.We consider that the therapy is safe,simple,less painful and has markedly efficacy.Therefore,the interve intervertebral disc collagenase injection is an important supplementary therapy in nonoperative treatment of the patients with protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc.
Journal of Chinese Physician