
表面修饰煅烧骨的制备及其理化性质的研究 被引量:3

Study on Preparation and Physicochemical Properties of Surface Modified Sintered Bone
摘要 探讨一种新的仿生骨材料表面修饰煅烧牛松质骨的制备方法,以提高煅烧牛松质骨作为组织工程骨的活性。将制备好的大小一致的煅烧牛松质骨随机分成两组,分别浸泡在配制好的单倍模拟体液(SBF)和1.5倍SBF中。每组材料的浸泡时间均为7、14和21d共3个时间点。浸泡结束干燥后用扫描电镜(SEM)观察材料表面形态并分析材料表面矿化成分。通过比较筛选出效果最理想的表面修饰煅烧牛松质骨材料,研究其孔径、孔隙率、抗压和抗折强度等理化性质,并与未经表面修饰的煅烧骨材料进行比较。研究表明,煅烧骨材料在1.5倍SBF中浸泡14d可以获得最佳表面修饰效果,同时保留了原有煅烧骨材料的基本理化特性。 The aim of this study is to investigate a new method for preparing a biomimetic bone material-surface modi- fied sintered bovine cancellous bone, and to improve its bioactivity as a tissue engineering bone. The prepared sin- tered bovine cancellous bones with the same size were randomly divided into two groups, immersing in 1 and 1.5 times simulated body fluid (SBF), respectively. The three time periods of soak time were 7, 14, and 21 days. After sintercd bone was dried, the surface morphology of sintered bone and surface mineralization composition were oh- served under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By comparing the effect of surface modification of sintered bone materials, we chose the most ideal material and studied its pore size, the rate of the porosity, the compress and bend intensity. And then the material and the sintered bone material without surface modification were compared. The study indicated that sintered bone material immersed in SBF (1.5 times) for 14 days showed the best effect of surface modification, retaining the original physico-chemical properties of sintered bone.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期474-478,共5页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 “十一五”国家高技术研究发展计划(863)干细胞与组织工程重大项目资助(2006AA02A124)
关键词 煅烧骨 表面修饰 仿生矿化 模拟体液 Sintered bone Surface modification Biomimetic mineralization Simulated body fluid (SBF)
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